Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why was the tomato blushing O.o?

because he saw the Salad Dressing. ok i'm corny, sorry lmfao XD

Poll: cucumbers or pickles?Why was the tomato blushing O.o?
haha that actually made me smile

cucumbers =]Why was the tomato blushing O.o?
pickles by faaaaarrr. ! (: (: , but not sweet or anything. just the regular kind. the rest succk. haha.

and only cucumbers with saalt. yummy. (:
thats funny

pickles definently
that tomato be nasty bby, lol.....

no it was blushing because I called him cute (:

lol funny

haha pickles!
No problem. The stupid ones are sometimes the most fun.

Kosher dill pickles.
i actually thought the joke was quite cute

I dont get it ?? :(

and cucumbers all the way!!
that was actually pretty cute lol
He saw the salad without dressing.

some tomatoes even squirt their juices
Cause it met such a Beautiful girl like yoU?
bread and butter pickles
hahaha i saw that joke at six flags!!


cucumbers, with lemon :D
LMFAO! nice joke

pickles cuase they tangy and crunchy and.........

naa the tomato blushed cuz you touched its butt =0

poll: pickles! haa dane cook..pickly pickles
oh wow, i lol'd.. good job you corndog

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