Thursday, December 10, 2009

When and why you blush?

When embarrassed or shy.. Blushing is involuntary and, some believe, is a way we apologize in a situation without verbal means.When and why you blush?
when someone correctly guesses im having naughty thoughtsWhen and why you blush?
When a hot guy looks at me or tells me I am a great gymnast.
I dont blush....
when i see a hot guy...
when my bf tries to kiss me l o l
when adreneline is released because of embarressment or guiltiness or extreme excitement blood rushes to your skin on your face causing you to blush
when you get embarrassed..
i blush when i get embarrased or shy!!!
OMG i have fair skin and blush at any given time.
I don't have that problem anymore.. I used to though and it was just awful and it would happen all then time over cute guys :) :) :)
I blush when i get a compliment of anyone or a guy looks at me its automatic and i cant help it
At work, Im a barmaid, and really cant stand pissed people chatting me up!!! i get a bit embarassed!!!
when i am shay.
When I lie that is how all my family and friends know if I am being dishonest
i blush when.....a cute guy looks at me......and theres something hidden in that look.....
My blush is automatic.
  • guy myspace
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