Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why do I blush when...?

why do I blush when I get attention on myself. I am not embarrassed or anything, actually that's my goal.

Then why do i blush? And how can I control not blushing, I need to know!.

I only need to know because I am in the same class as my friend and he likes to goof around, and he usually likes to do it on me, and that grabs peoples attention and I just blushWhy do I blush when...?
im the same!!

try and not think about it too much...stay focus on whats happening with your friend! dont focus on yourself....

breathing deeply helps.... when ur blushing the last thing you think if is ur breathing, but i do it automatically now. i know when i start to feel embarrassed i dont take things seriously, i smile then relax my body, breathe through my stomach instead of chest. this does something to ur system making you less nervous or excited.

blushing is annoying i know. theres no easy cure for it. if u blush again then smile relax and laugh it off.

these people must be intimidating u, make sure u look good, cause thatll give u confidence, and believe u r better than them (sounds abit shallow and harsh) but it works. dont even care what they think, theyre not important as u, think about u looking good, say to urself my skin is soo clear today, so when u se them looking u know its cause ur skins reaally nice or ur hair is really shiny, and that guy is just another of ur girl mates.... this should help u relax...

and if u blush dont worry, it makes u seem human and humble people who say things about it are pathetic....

good luck xx

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