Thursday, December 3, 2009

I cant stop blushing, please help.?


i cant help going red and when i no its coming i cant seem to stop it. I feel the person who i am talking to is laughing at me and probably thinks i am really pathetic and stupid. I wish it would go as it embaressing and it can make me misarable. Can any one help me, have you got any tips or ways to control blushing.

Id appreciate the helpI cant stop blushing, please help.?
Some people can't help but to blush when flushed with embarrassment or some cases of general discomfort. You have to think yourself out of thinking these things you think he's thinking and just relax, and you won't blush anymore!I cant stop blushing, please help.?
Why would they think youre pathetic or stupid? You know youre not, and if they think you are stupid, then dont talk to them because theyre judgemental morons. If you want to stop blushing, take a deep breath, tell yourself ';I am not stupid, so do your worst, world!';, and shrug off the complications between you and another person. If you believe in yourself and love yourself then I promise you people are going to notice you more and like you! People like other people who are happy about themselves, and it rubs off on them. Before you know it, everybodys happy (well, almost everybody)! If you really do well and like yourself (and stop focusing on your blushing) then you can be more happy and it'll go away.
think about what makes you blush so you can try to avoid. When my classmates talk about sex, i didn't really care unless they started asking my grapic questions i grew so emabarssed i counld speak to them for a week.
Sounds like maybe you are shy like me! I used to blush when someone would even look at me never mind talk to me! Esp a cute guy! OMG! Tomato city on my face!!!

But when you feel like people think you are stupid and pathetic thats low self esteem..I used to be that way too..I just had to accept that yes I am shy, but I am still a really good person..I know that and if the other person can get past my shyness they will find that out too! But just accepting it made the red cheeks be so less and less over time!

If someone makes you feel bad cause you blush screw em they are not worth your friendship or kindness!
Try to think about sex it really helps me get other things off my mind of any kind. my oppinion
If you dont actually FEEL nervous, or just blush anyway when you arent even feeling like you should it鈥檚 likely you鈥檝e got an overly active sympathetic nervous system. Blushing is an unconscious reaction to an emotional trigger, causing your blood vessels to open wider and flood your face, neck and ears. If you keep blushing (when you arent even embarressed) I suggest asking your doctor. Might seem like a silly step, but it really isnt as he will know more about the science behind it and can probably help!

However, if you do feel nervous or tense easily a good method to use is a counting system. Just inwardly imagine a cube in your mind. Imagine travelling up the virtical side of it, for 6 seconds travel up the side, as you do so be taking a long inward breath. Now travel along one of the horizontal sides, while holding that breath for another 6 seconds. As you take the next vertical side downwards (in your imagination), slowly exhale the breate over another 6 seconds. For the final side of the square leave your lungs empty for six seconds.

This not only focuses your mind on something other than your blushing (thinking about blushing will actually make it worse) it will also calm your body down, reducing the likely hood of blushing.

I have other systems for relaxation and social anxiety, although they are more long term. Email me if interested.

Hope that helps!
Try not to be shy or put lots of makeup.

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